Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
Super Teacher Worksheets has quality worksheets to supplement your child’s homeschool experience. We’ve spent the past few weeks exploring all that a membership has to offer. My son sampled a variety of activities from different subject areas and enjoyed them all!

For one low price of $24.95 you get a full one-year membership. You get unlimited downloads of worksheets and other printable activities to use with your children from grades 1-6. Many of the worksheets are aligned to the Common Core standards. If you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, you can always make your own worksheet, in no time at all, using the worksheet generator.
When you hear the word “worksheets” what comes to mind? If you envision traditional worksheets, like fill-in-the-blank paper, you’d be right. But you’d be missing all the other great things Super Teacher Worksheets has to offer. “Worksheets” encompasses flashcards, games, cut-and-paste activities, illustrated information, songs, awards, certificates, and more.
Super Teacher Worksheets is constantly uploading new content. You can find out what’s new on the homepage. Descriptions of each worksheet with image previews and the dates they are were added are included.
Navigating the Website
Super Teacher Worksheets is easy to navigate. I could use the menu headings on the left to find what I needed. I also found it simple to browse through categories to discover worksheets that would be useful.
Select Topic Under Main Headings
On the left of the screen you find the following main headings. Underneath those headings are some subheadings and an option to see more.
- Math
- Reading Comprehension
- Reading & Writing
- Phonics
- Early Literacy
- Grammar
- Spelling Lists
- Chapter Books
- Science
- Social Studies
- Holidays
- Puzzles & Brain Teasers
- Teacher Helpers
- Pre-K & Kindergarten
- Worksheet Generator
Full Worksheet List
If you want to browse subjects, using the full index is helpful. Here’s an example of the full index for grammar. The grammar topics are listed in alphabetical order.

After you click on the topic you want, you’ll see what worksheets are available for that topic, and then you can find one that you like. For example, when I clicked on “punctuation” it brought me to this page.
I scrolled down to find the page I wanted to select.

Helpful Icons
When you find a worksheet you’re interested in, you can click view pdf, or click the magnifying glass for a small preview pop-up to save time.

If a download has a CC icon it means the worksheet is aligned to the common core standards. If you click on it you’ll see exactly what goals the activity addresses.
The file folder icon is handy when you want to keep track of worksheets and downloads to use later. When you click on the icon a box pops up where you can select where to save it. Then the file folder icon turns yellow to indicate that you’ve saved it. You’ll also see a number on the folder indicating how many items you have in it. I like how you can create multiple folders and name them. It allows you to organize all your favorite worksheets.

Some worksheets are available in Spanish. When you have that language option you’ll see an icon with a speech bubble titled “lang.”
Worksheet Generator
This feature is amazing. You can make worksheets customized with your own content in a couple of minutes! I didn’t make a worksheet to use with my son, but I did make one to try out this feature.
I chose a word search. All I had to do was select the level of difficulty and add my word list. Then I clicked generate and save. I had a pdf of my worksheet and an answer key in less than two minutes. My word search was automatically added to my file folder titled “Generators.”
The generator tools allow you to make customized math fact practice, flashcards, bingo games, puzzles like word searches, crossword puzzles, and scrambled words, quizzes with multiple choice, fill in the blank, or matching or short answer. There’s even a handy calendar generator. You can add text to each day and print it off to use how you want.
Subject Areas
English Language Arts
My son used several English language arts activities. He’s working on the “sh” sound in his speech, so these word wheels pictured below were perfect.

He also sorted pictures by their beginning sounds.

Super Teacher Worksheets have cute clip art images and easy to read fonts making the worksheets neat and attractive to kids. Too many squiggly frames and unnecessary graphics can be distracting, but these worksheets are simple and clean. Definitely a win for me!

I loved being able to put our letter stamps to good use with the word stampers worksheets. This is an example of something that normally would take effort for me to put together, but I just printed it off and my son got right to work.

There are tons of worksheets for English language arts. Students can read short articles about animals, find poems by grade level, and use readers’ theater scripts to practice reading fluency.
You can find reading comprehension activities for elementary and middle grades. Students read a one-page article and answer short-answer questions, multiple choice, or true/false, about the text. Vocabulary is addressed in matching words and definitions and filling in the missing letters of mystery words from the text.
Super Teacher Worksheets has spelling units by grade level. I know the membership is meant to supplement your curriculum, but you could easily find enough spelling for your child to do for the year. Each spelling unit includes a word list and several activities to practice, as well as a weekly test. Alphabetical order, fill in the blank, scrambled words, and build a sentence are just a few examples of the spelling worksheets.
I decided to do some clock work with my son since he’s constantly asking me what time it is. We started with the basics. He learned about the hour hand and minute hand. Then he worked on mastering the “o’clocks.”

My son loved cutting out the clock puzzles and putting them together. We mixed it up with some telling time worksheets and a clock printed on card stock for him to manipulate.

Super Teacher Worksheets includes all the major math topics covered in elementary and middle school math and you can find word problems by grade level or by type.
Skip counting was another skill I wanted to work on with my son. I just selected that topic and browsed the worksheets. He loves doing dot-to-dot, so when I saw the one titled, “Dot-to-Dot: Elephant” described as, “connect the dots as your skip count by 5s, from 0 to 100,” I knew it’d be a winner.
There were not as many science options for the primary grades, but I did find this game that I thought would be perfect for my son. And I was right.
To make this game I cut yellow construction paper to 8 1/5 x 11 inches to fit my printer. Then I printed the gameboard and glued it together. Next, I printed the playing cards on white paper and cut them using my paper cutter. I had some space vehicle figures lying around that made perfect playing pieces.
My son loved this game. He knew some of the planet facts, but learned new information as he played. He loved it so much that we played it three times in one sitting!

Social Studies
We did not use any of the social studies worksheets during our review period, but I’ve already saved some mapping worksheets to my folder that I think my son would enjoy. There are several maps to learn world geography and the fifty states. Some social studies activities include American history, government, and famous presidents.
Super Teacher Worksheets is a helpful resource for busy homeschooling parents. With a yearly membership you get unlimited access to thousands of worksheets to supplement your curriculum. All you have to do is print and use. Adding quality educational exercises and games to your day, with little preparation, makes this membership worth it.
We’ve had a positive experience using materials downloaded from our Super Teacher Worksheets membership. If you’d like to read what other homeschoolers thought about their membership, please visit Homeschool Review Crew.