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I’ve never been good at making goals for the new year. I tend to live day-to-day, in the moment. New Year’s resolutions are not my thing. I don’t want to promise to do something I know I won’t carry out.
This year is different. Maybe because it’s a new decade. Being in my mid-forties has something to do with it too. I’m in a different stage of life and searching for what the next chapter of my life might look like.
My goals may not be grandiose. They may seem silly to put into writing. But I’m taking the plunge and making goals for the new year. Come December 2020, I want to reflect on my life and make new goals. It’s a good practice, and I’m starting this year!
Making Goals for the New Year 2020
Train our new puppy.
On January 24th we’re welcoming craziness into our lives. A maltipoo puppy! We’ve been married for twenty-five years and have never owned a dog. Our kids are so excited. I’m not a dog person, but I know I’ll fall in love with our little one. We really want a well-behaved dog, so that means learning to “speak dog.” We’ll be watching lots of dog training videos over the year. If you are curious about our adventures, subscribe to our YouTube channel called Delightful Paws.

Review homeschool curriculum for the Review Crew.
I’ve been selected to be a reviewer of homeschool curriculum this year. I’ll be given free curriculum to study and use with my kids in exchange for writing honest, detailed reviews about the products. I’ll be posting my reviews here on Homeschool Notes so you can be one of the first to learn about new quality curriculum and products that are on the market.

Plant a berry patch.
We planted one tiny raspberry plant two years ago, and it’s taken off. My son loves to go out every day during late summer and check to see if there are any ripe raspberries to eat. I love the idea of eating our own food, and having a fruit that comes back year after year is so appealing. We have the perfect spot behind our barn that should be sunny enough to support a berry patch.
Read personal and spiritual development books.
I love falling asleep with a good book. I read mostly fiction last year. This year I want to inspire growth and change in my life, so I’m going to branch out to nonfiction. Here are some titles that I’m interested in reading (affiliate links included):
- Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
- Work Energy by Jim Harmer
- The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte
- The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
- The Path Between Us by Suzanne Stabile
Go on monthly dates.
My husband and I have made progress with spending time outside the home as a couple, but we have room for improvement. Now that our daughter is a teenager, sneaking away for coffee for an hour is very doable. We have a great little restaurant in town that I’d like to frequent more often too.
Get outside more.
I love to be outside. It lifts my mood and makes me feel alive. Being outside connects me to God and nature. I love to observe life around me: the twittering birds, the tiny wildflowers, the colorful lichen on trees.
We have lots of state parks and reserve lands in Maine with trails. I love investigating these places, but getting me there is the hardest part. I tend to be a homebody, especially in the winter, when it takes more effort to bundle up to go out.

Finish renovating our son’s bedroom and guest room.
We starting tearing down a wall last summer, and six months later we’re finally in the home stretch of the remodel. Since we do most of the work ourselves, projects take time. Insulation, replacement windows, rewiring, and skim-coating the walls, are some of the big jobs involved in this project. We (meaning my husband) still need to refinish the original wood floors, frame the doors, and build a closet. Then I’ll do my share of the fun part–painting and decorating!
Landscape around our house.
Last summer I tackled part of the border in front of our house by digging up old stumps and planting some shrubs and perennials. I plan to finish the remaining border on the side facing the road and the back, so that the landscaping looks complete and well balanced. I also plan to include bulbs in the fall, so we have more pops of color to look forward to in the spring.
Spend more time with my grandmothers.
Both of my grandmothers live within a reasonable driving distance from my house, but I don’t see them as often as I’d like. My maternal grandmother celebrated her 90th birthday this summer, and my paternal grandmother will celebrate her 90th this year. I’m so fortunate to have these incredible women in my life, and I don’t want to take the time they have left for granted.

Learn to use my camera properly.
My old Canon 40D died a few years ago and a friend gave me his Nikon 70D last year to replace it. I was thrilled. Then my husband bought me a new 50mm lens (affiliate link), similar to the one I had on my Canon, but even better. I love this lens and the potential it has for improving the quality of my work. This year I’m determined to learn the ins and outs of this new camera system so taking photos becomes second nature again.
Are you making goals for the new year?