The holiday season, filled with parties, decorating, shopping, baking, and crafting, is the perfect time to add variety to your daily homeschool writing curriculum. 25 days of writing for the holiday season is a list of specific writing prompts and tasks to inspire your children to try out different writing genres and topics.
Some of the 25 days of writing for the holiday season are short and simple, while others take more time and thought. You know your kids and what would work best for your family. Here are some possibilities for using the 25 days of writing for the holiday season.
- Print out a list for each child. Make a family challenge. How many writing activities can they complete during the month of December? Have them cross them off their lists as they complete them.
- Do all 25 writing tasks together. Share the writing work, or “share the pen” using an interactive writing approach. For example, when listing all the items you need to decorate a Christmas tree you can use chart paper or a whiteboard and have each child take turns writing one thing.
- Print out the list and cut out each writing task individually. Punch holes in them, thread with ribbon, and hang on a small Christmas tree. Work together as a family to see if you can do all the writing activities. Each day you have writing time, each child chooses their own writing task to complete from the tree.
25 Days of Writing for the Holiday Season
1. Write a recipe for your favorite Christmas cookie to share with a friend.
2. Write a letter to Santa.
3. List all the items you use to decorate a Christmas tree.
4. Retell the story of Jesus’ birth.
5. Write an acrostic poem using the word CHRISTMAS.
6. Rewrite the story of the Gingerbread Man in a unique way.
7. Describe your idea of the perfect gift.
8. List as many different holiday cookies you can think of.
9. Write about the first Christmas you remember.
10. Make a menu for an exceptional holiday family dinner.
11. Design a Christmas greeting card with a unique saying.
12. Make up a new song to the tune of Jingle Bells.
13. Describe a snowflake in detail using your five senses.

14. Make up a creative story about a live animal you find hiding in your Christmas tree.
15. Make a list of holiday words starting with each letter of the alphabet.
16. Make a shape poem using a holiday related shape, like a tree or star.
17. Persuade someone that your favorite holiday movie is worth watching.
18. Describe a holiday tradition and tell why it’s important.
19. Write about the best gift you ever gave someone.
20. Research how another country celebrates Christmas and compare it to your country using a Venn diagram.
21. Choose an ornament from your tree and write a creative story about it.

22. Explain how Santa delivers presents to kids around the world in one night.
23. Select a piece of wrapping paper that you find interesting and attractive. Write a story inspired by what you see.
24. Write a letter to your mail carrier thanking him/her for serving you. Deliver it with a box of sugar cookies or Christmas candy.
25. Write a creative story about finding something unusual in your stocking on Christmas morning.
The holiday season provides ample opportunities for writing about different topics and in different genres. Try out some or all of the 25 writing ideas to add some sparkle to your writing time and draw you together as a family.
Your Turn
I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment if you plan to use any of the writing ideas this holiday season.